PVDF coating

Fluorocarbon spraying (PVDF)

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PVDF coating has excellent anti-fading, anti-frosting, anti-atmospheric pollution (acid rain, etc.) of corrosion resistance, UV resistance, cracking resistance and can withstand severe weather environment, which is beyond the reach of general coatings.

PVDF coating technology has been widely used in aluminum curtain wall in China in recent two years. Because of its excellent characteristics, it has attracted more and more attention from the construction industry and users.

Our company has the largest PVDF coating production line in East China, which can handle a length of 580 meters, a maximum bending width of 11 meters, and a maximum hanging piece with a width of 1.2meters and a height of 2.3meters.

Coating production line

Overview of painting line (track line)

High temperature PVDF ossociated equipments

▪ PVDF coating application in Happiness Motorcycle factory project in Shanghai China

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